The Action Network is proud to work with our partners and members in working towards ending social isolation and loneliness.
Committees & Working Groups
The Action Network has created committees, and the Foundation for Social Connection has working groups made up of our members to discuss and guide both organization’s work. These committees and working groups help us further increase awareness of social isolation and loneliness as well as identify and promote solutions. If you would like to access this member benefit, please reach out to us below!
Policy Committee
The Policy Committee meets monthly to spearhead the Coalition’s policy and advocacy work. Throughout the year, the Committee ensures the Coalition’s policy priorities are comprehensive, consensus-based, and rooted in evidence. In addition, the Committee leads the Coalition’s engagement with congressional champions, as well as leaders at the state and local levels and supports the organizing for Advocacy Day each Global Loneliness Awareness Week in June.
Advocacy Committee
Our Advocacy Committee strategizes on a quarterly basis about sharing our message from the individual level all the way up to a global stage. We engage in national awareness campaigns and activate through different forms of media to generate momentum around awareness and education. The Committee also plays a key role in supporting the planning, agenda setting, and media strategy for our annual Global Loneliness Awareness Summit.
Network Highlights
Awareness Campaigns
The Action Network collaborates with member organizations to launch and expand the impact and reach of their social isolation, loneliness, and connection awareness campaigns. Among these initiatives are Humana’s Far From Alone public health awareness campaign and Eventbrite’s Social Connection Project, which aim to reduce social isolation and loneliness as well as create opportunities for greater social connectedness.
Foundation for Social Connection
The Foundation for Social Connection is the Action Network’s affiliated 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to translating scientific research and evidence into real-world practice. With the help of their Scientific Advisory Council and innovation work, the Action Network and Foundation collaboratively develop policy, awareness campaigns, and interventions to advance social connection.
Global Initiative on Loneliness & Connection
The Global Initiative on Loneliness & Connection supports current and future generations in forming positive, meaningful connections with their families, friends, and communities. The Action Network represents the U.S. in this international organization, supporting the collaboration and dissemination of system-wide, national approaches to building social connection.
Our Members
The Action Network is proud to collaborate with its members throughout all of our advocacy and activation efforts. Our members consist of national and local stakeholders, including consumer groups, patient advocacy groups, health plans, community-based organizations, mental and behavioral health advocates, and private sector innovators.