Welcome to the Coalition Blog

A place for innovators and thought leaders to share their insights on how we can mitigate social isolation & loneliness.

  • Are You Feeling Burned Out? Connecting with Colleagues May be the Antidote

    If you’re feeling burned out, you’re not alone. According to a survey by Indeed, over half of respondents experienced burnout in 2021. This is an alarming number when you consider the toll that burnout takes on health and wellbeing. The World Health Organization recognizes these…

  • Calling Out Loneliness: Why Healthcare Needs Social Prescribing

    A 74-year-old Vietnam era Veteran was labeled a “frequent flyer” by staff at his local Veterans Affairs (VA) Urgent Care Center (UCC). Frequent flyer is not a technical term – it refers to patients who visit Urgent Cares often over a short period of time. …

  • The Social Isolation and Loneliness Epidemic: A College Student’s Perspective

    In March 2020, myself and thousands of other college students were told we were receiving an extra two weeks off during our spring break. While I knew the additional time off was because of a disease called ‘coronavirus,’ I didn’t think it would impact my…

  • Don’t Be a Stranger: Navigating a New Home While Socially Isolated and Lonely

    By Mia Hernandez, Social Connection Fellow Who hasn’t found themselves alone when they didn’t want to be over the past two years? Now billions of people worldwide have experienced firsthand the negative impacts of social isolation and loneliness (SIL). Social isolation and loneliness didn’t start…